Office Address

37, 4th Close, University Avenue,
Legon, Accra, Ghana

Phone Number

0302 951104,
0302 951106

Email Address

Project Information

  • Funding partners: CCARS
  • Starting Date: 2020
  • Ending Date: –
  • Work Packages: Wetlands
  • Location: Keta, Songor, Sakumo, Densu, Muni-Pomadze ramsar sites


To assess the current status of Ghana’s coastal Ramsar sites, nearly 30 decades after their designation, in order to determine their ecological health and continued qualification under the Ramsar criteria for designated sites. Key activities of the project included: Satellite imageries on the land use and land cover changes for all 5 Ramsar sites over a three-decade period obtained, field visits to collect data on water quality, macro-invertebrate community, fish and fisheries assessment, waterbird species and population.