Office Address

37, 4th Close, University Avenue,
Legon, Accra, Ghana

Phone Number

0302 951104,
0302 951106

Email Address

The Centre for African Wetlands (CAW) was established in 2000 as a sub-regional initiative with a mission to contribute to the preservation of the global, sub-regional, national and local values of wetlands for:

  • the benefit of society as a whole,
  • improving the quality of life for people living within and around wetlands,
  • maintaining wetland biodiversity and enhancing the general ecological integrity of wetlands

To attain this mission and improve the management of West African wetlands, the centre works to ensure the availability of sound and up-to-date scientific information as well as local and regional expertise.

The centre’s focus is guided also by the recognition of wetlands as valuable and multi-faceted assets that must be managed effectively to ensure sustainability. The centre’s mandate therefore, is to promote sustainable wetland management through research (ecological, socioeconomic and policy), capacity building, information dissemination, networking, advocacy and policy support.

The centre is hosted by the University of Ghana but covers 12 West African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, and Senegal) and therefore places high emphasis on facilitating networking, collaboration and partnerships among wetland scientists and managers in the sub-region. Apart from the contact persons in the CAW focal countries, the Centre has established partnerships with several institutions in Europe.

Currently, the centre’s programme focuses on six main areas, namely:

  • Training and capacity development (wetland research and management planning, water resources management, water and sanitation issues);
  • Wetland Inventory and Classification (mapping, hydrology and biodiversity);
  • Long-term wetland assessment and monitoring (focusing on ecological character, indicators and wetland values);
  • Climate Change (impacts, adaptation & mitigation);
  • Pollution/Degradation (biological & chemical pollutants, invasive and exotic plant species, Watersheds degradation; wetlands and health); and
  • Conservation and Utilization (local livelihoods; eco-tourism; traditional knowledge systems, wetland laws and policy).


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